Browse Exhibits (1 total)

Toilets and Other Infernal Contraptions

In Steinbeck's novel, The Grapes of Wrath, the emergence of indoor plumbing is a curious mention in the novel. Steinbeck brought it in chapter twenty-two of his novel and focused a bit on the new invention as the Joad family explored the washroom at the weedpatch camp. This emergence of technology brought the hope and progression within the novel. The fact that the family found this nice camp and the camp had these new changes also gave the twenty-first century reader a good insight to the changes that made history and when the modern era began.

Steinbeck also showed the darker side of technology throughout the novel such as his mention with the tractors and their destruction. He didn't hesitate to show what problems the new inventions brought. Land is an important aspect of the novel and some of the technology created distance from the land and put people out of their comfort and familiarity.

Some things were more crucial and easy to adjust to while other inventions were harmful and actually put people out of jobs. Some of the inventions were cold, mechanical, and distant. Other inventions were bright, progressive, and convenient for a novel full of many inconveniences.

My purpose in creating this exhibit on toilets and other infernal contraptions, is to educate by the means of history. The images and their related history will bring to light the imagery that Steinbeck used within his novel. They will help illustrate points and bring the significance forth to the readers.

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